"We will make it happen,
whether they want us to or not!"
"We will make it happen,
whether they want us to or not!"
"We will make it happen,
whether they want us to or not!"
"We will make it happen,
whether they want us to or not!"
"We will make it happen,
whether they want us to or not!"
"We will make it happen,
whether they want us to or not!"
Explore Scholarships And Other Opportunities
Explore Scholarships And Other Opportunities
"How will a seed grow
if it goes unwatered?"
- Elder Watson Diggs
All great efforts require support and so do the most humble if they are ever to become great. We encourage students to explore the available supports provided by THE DIEHARD FOUNDATION below and determine if you are a match.
Each support has an application, acceptance and execution phase associated with it. Please consider the various opportunities carefully and once ready, initiate the process through the appropriate corresponding application.
We wish you success in this effort and in all of your future endeavors. Reading this information and educating yourself about opportunities that may be available to you, is proof that you are on the right path to leadership and success.
Thank you for your interest in THE DIEHARD FOUNDATION.